Saturday, November 27, 2010

Summer 2010

Hello everyone! Here's what you missed in the life of Pita:

Summer - Pita had a great time going to the fountain in Copley Square with us to cool off and play with the kids. Now that it's cold out, they drained the fountain and she doesn't understand why there's no more water...

Pita had her first birthday (July 23) so we threw her a party! Unfortunately, she fell off of the grooming table when she went to the groomers (for the first time), so she had a bruised back and barely moved the entire party. We invited her friends Oscar (Dachsund) and Lizzy (Irish Setter - her best friend!). Lizzy made herself right at home on Pita's bed and chewing her bone and Oscar climbed under everything Pita can't fit under to find leftover food. All of the food was dog and people friendly so the dogs got lots of treats!

The big trip of the summer was to Acadia National Park and Cape Elizabeth in Maine when we got engaged. Pita had a fantastic trip hiking, playing in the ocean, riding in the car, getting to go with us everywhere, sailing on a big boat with other Newfs, and then, of course, pooping in the middle of our proposal...

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