Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years 2010

For New Years, we went to Cape Cod and hung out with a bunch of friends for a few days. Pita, of course, came and had fun with all the people and the great backyard, but occasionally got overwhelmed by the amount of people.

One of the days we were there, some of us went to the beach with Pita and she had a blast! Personally, I've never seen part of the ocean freeze so it was an exciting experience for us all.

One of the best parts of the trip was the drive because Andy let her stick her head out of the window and enjoy the cold air.

Pita weighed 49.5 pounds last Wednesday and you can tell in this picture that her eyes are starting to droop.

When we got back to Boston, the snow was piled high and Pita loves to romp in the yard and eat snow.

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