Friday, November 20, 2009

Three Weeks Later...

Here's a summary of what's happened in the past three weeks that I have not updated this blog. (Sorry!)

Pita graduated from Puppy Kindergarten and is well on her way to becoming a trained puppy. She now knows "Sit", "Down", "Wait/Stay", "Crate", "Go Outside", sitting left, right, or behind you, "Leave It", and "Drop It". She is waiting to eat her food instead of running and gobbling it up.

She now weighs 31 pounds and is about 22 inches long (not including her 10 inch long tail) and stands about 20 inches tall, as well. Eating about 3 1/2 to 4 cups of food a day, she gained 4 pounds this past week, a record for her!

Pita and I worked the polls in the South End and people loved her and probably voted for her candidate because they know her from our daily walks. She had fun playing with a water bottle.

We went on the T the other day. She did not want to get on the T, and shook a bit while it was running, but was happy to jump off when the doors opened at our stop.

She is losing her teeth (6 so far) and has larger ones. She looked like a third grader missing random teeth.

Daddy gave her a bath outside and for the first time she was cold. She did not like the cold hose water so we got some warmer water from the sink inside.

She loves her rubber ducky and brings it into the shower occasionally. Every morning, she will join you in the shower, as well. She loves water!

Her other favorite toys at the moment are her cow from Grandma and her Kindergarten Graduation toy (a purple soft frisbee).

She climbs up onto the couch on her own, though with the help of the ottoman which has handles that she can put her foot into and lift herself up. If anyone is on the couch, she wants to be there too.

Another fun toy is the door stop spring on the wall.

She's getting better at posing for pictures for my articles on

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