Saturday, May 8, 2010

Family Photo (thanks Mom!)


Pita's Best Day EVER!

Last weekend was the Zeta Psi reunion weekend and the morning of the formal, they all play softball and then have a BBQ. So, Alan and I walked Pita over to MIT from Boston to go to these events thinking that she would be tired when we got there. Well, a nine-month-old Newf can stay active for a long time apparently because she fetched the homerun ball at the game, then enjoyed rejected ice cubes and (one) hot dog at the BBQ. We also let her off leash to play frisbee "Pita in the middle". I kept dumping water on her because it was so hot that day and she was being so active.

As if hanging out and playing with close to 50 or so 20-somethings wasn't good enough, on our walk home, we let her take a dip in the Charles River to cool off. She loved wading through the shallow water and then we found a place where she could go deeper. Well, she didn't realize there was a step and then a drop into the water and she accidentally swam for the first time. At first she flailed her body and squealed a bit, then she realized that she was floating and paddled herself back out.
So as to help this experience not be a bad one, we took her to another part of the river to see if she would go in still, but it was the same step-and-drop type of situation, so she enjoyed herself on the step until we decided to go home.
Once we got home, she plopped down almost immediately and had herself a good, well-deserved rest while we went to the formal. What a great day!

Why newfs have jowls

When Pita got home from the dog park, she was panting a lot and laid down on the cool tile for a break. I looked over at her and she was breathing like this:

I thought it was funny - therefore the video - and this is how Newfs breathe when they are carrying something in their mouths, especially in water.

Pita's Favorite TV Show

This morning, we turned on the TV and Animal Rescue was on. Pita started watching the Husky rescue clip and didn't stop! Then, there was an info-mercial with a squeaky dog toy and she liked that too. She whined and looked at us as if to say, "Can I have one?" (Crazy Critters)

Then, another info-merical came on ten minutes later that was an ultrasonic device that deters dog barking. So, inevitably, there were dogs barking, then they turned on the device and the dogs stopped barking...except for Pita. She was still barking at the dogs who were barking previously. (Bark Off)

Anyways, Pita watched the entire 30 minute Animal Rescue show and maybe got a few new toys and devices out of it. ;-)